Whether you need to change your saved billing/shipping address, update your account email, or change your password, follow these easy steps:

  1. Click "My Account" at the top of our store. Or go to: ministryideaz.com/myaccount.asp
    • Note: you will be prompted to log in if you are not already.
  2. Under "Personal Information" locate the information you would like to change, and click the link. You will see options like:
    • Change email address, or password
    • Manage your billing addresses
    • Manage your shipping addresses
  3. For address changes, we recommend deleting any old addresses to prevent problems in the future. Click "delete" next to any old addresses to remove them from your saved addresses.

This will change saved addresses to be used for future orders. It will not affect active or past orders. If you placed an order with the wrong address, contact us immediately.