We do offer free shipping on orders over $49. For orders under $49, we're sorry that you found the shipping cost to be very high. We ship from Ecuador, where our warehouse is located, so it costs more than local shipping within the USA. Rest assured that we do not exaggerate the cost of shipping. In fact, the amount we charge for shipping on your order is always less than we actually have to pay.
Some other companies charge fees such as handling costs and packaging fees, but Ministry Ideaz does not. So please remember that the shipping cost you pay us is, in turn, paid out to the post office on your behalf - 100% of it. Check out our video blog and of how we get your products to you all the way from Ecuador: MinistryIdeaz.com/Shipping-Process
As mentioned, for orders to the United States (and Canada) over US$49 we'll foot the bill for the shipping cost. This special offer is valid for delivery to the USA and Canada only. For other countries, we have a free shipping threshold of US$200. From time to time we also have free shipping on smaller orders and to other countries.
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